I was standing in the check-out line (with a bunch of stuff I didn't really need) Embarrassing but true. I do it very rarely as I do not like to shop and never have. But for some reason the other day with the rain, I got it in my head that I needed to prepare for winter and do it asap. So some new rain-boots and rain-gear was needed, as well as a few other items I know I didn't really need.
As I was standing there waiting in a huge line up I spied this little paperback book.I opened it up and immediately saw so many things I did not know. I thought I was in the "know" with a lot of this stuff but I guess I'm not. Some of these tips I am surprised I have never heard before (or had the common sense to figure out on my own)!
As time allows I'll post some.
There is always so much to learn with any topic I suppose, and none more important than our glorious planet. If we wreck the earth where shall we go?
My partner and I have made countless lifestyle changes over the years as I am sure most of us have, but there is always more we can do. Super painless changes that will not only save our earth and precious resources...
but changes that you you barely notice that can save us money.
If you see this little book in the bargain bin pick it up! It cost me 99 cents.
You can give it to your child to read (it's a very easy read) although I am sure that kids today could all write books on the topic!
At lease I hope so.
I've gotta fly for now but I look forward to posting little tidbits from this woman's book. Her name is Joanna Yarrow and she resides in the UK.