Todays the day that all my classes at Mt.Pleasant start up again officially! Yay! Its yoga bliss in our glorious neighborhood once again.
All classes are a go, and it's going to be a great session♥
Baby & Me Yoga: Its starts this morning (Mondays 1045-12-ish-generally a little longer) It's going to be very busy this morning. Today is the first day and I'll be there super early to set things up. Please keep in mind that the first class is a little hectic for the very young babies due to sounds in the room. (sometimes really new little babies get a little overly stimulated and extra fussy the first time they are in a room with other baby sounds) But they do chill out by the second class! And thats a guarantee. Don't worry, its all good, and super fun! And by the second class they are lovin' it:)
Prenatal Yoga: Busy as always but with a new bigger room! (right next door to the old room) New session starts Wed at 630. "If you can get there a little early (10 mins) it would be a big help. (if you can't, it's totally cool). It's just that I can't get in there until 615 to set up, and it too is a busy one. Oh, and the waiting list is gone and we've opened up more spaces! And due to the size of the room you can always drop in as well :)
Daytime Yoga (mixed levels hatha) starts again today as well at 1230! (1230-200 Mondays and Wednesdays). You can double up to attend both days and get a huge discount as well. Can't wait to see my regulars today and meet some new folks as well.
To register click here
Remember that at both Mt.Pleasant and The Roundhouse prices are pro rated so as long as theres room you can still register for the class of your choice at a big savings (meaning, the classes missed will of course be deducted from the price)
Ok, I've gotta fly! Giddy UP. See you on the mat xo