And its all lovingly made by hand as an income generating project by the loveliest of women. The mothers and grandmothers Shanti Uganda supports. Did you know that you can host your own Shanti Party? Let's face it, tupperware parties couldn't be more out. Plastics? Blech. (we won't even get into that haha). I'm often asked "How can I help"? You can now have a rockin' Shanti Party at your place! (Well, it doesn't have to be rockin' haha..but it could be!) Its a great way to support the inspiring work we do in Uganda without a big commitment. You will feel so good. And you will be making a HUGE difference in the lives of some of the sweetest women ever. These are mothers and grandmothers with HIV/AIDS and teen girls. And you will be sharing the love and sporting some of the coolest, most stylish, one of a kind jewelry there is! P.S. And you know where your money is going. All of it. Every dime. 100% of the proceeds go towards helping infant and maternal health, teen girls programs...and the list literally goes on. Feel good, look great, and be amazed at just how inexpensive this stuff is as well. I still can’t get over it..Personally I’d pay way more for this jewelry. Anyhow, wanted to share the news!
Click this link and find out how! Oh, and feel free to invite me!