Did you know that there are currently 55,000 Canadians living with a brain tumour right now in Canada? And another 10,000 will be diagnosed this year?
Thats a lot of people.
I know it sounds shocking (and believe me when someone you love is out of the blue diagnosed with a brain tumour?) it can send you reeling...
Take it from me. Someone I love very much is a brain tumour fighter/survivor.
My niece. She is the strongest, coolest, wisest, most intelligent and bravest human I have ever known.
Some things we just can't explain in this life. There are simply no answers for certain events, but thankfully there IS HOPE.
There is always hope.
And thanks to the Brain Tumour Foundation of Canada there is more than hope.
There is support, research, education and information available to everyone affected by a brain tumour. But they need our help. www.braintumour.ca
Sadly there are certain types of cancers that people don't like to speak about and this is one of them. I suppose the mere thought is so frightening to many of us we choose to not even go there in our minds, but the truth is...we can not ignore it.
We need to at least raise awareness and support those affected by a brain tumour. There are many different types of brain tumours but they are all very dangerous. Sometimes babies are born with brain tumours. :(
No one knows why.
We need more research and more treatment options. Sadly brain cancer is considered one of those 'orphan cancers' (meaning that it doesn't get a lot of press or funding compared to some other cancers). But thats not to say that it is any less. A brain tumour diagnosis is absolutely devastating.
We want to eradicate every cancer out there one day thats for sure.
Wouldn't you love to say to your children one day that "There used to be this thing called cancer"?
I know I sure would.
Anyways, the Spring Sprint is coming up and it is SUPER fun!!!
You can walk, run or sprint in support of those affected by a brain tumour and it really is...amazingly fun! You can raise money or awareness or both.
Or just come out and enjoy the festivities and show your support!
It takes place Saturday May 29 at Burnaby Lake East at the Rowing Pavillion and check in is 10:00am. Its a 5 km walk/run, and the scenery is spectacular. It is a guaranteed amazing experience.
Come on down and join us!
Here is a link for the Spring Sprint to find out all about it www.springsprint.ca
Hope to see you there!