Just spent the morning reading testimonials that people had written about time spent with me practicing yoga. Needless to say, I have a box of kleenex beside me! *sniff*
Testimonials from people from all different walks of life. Some of them momma's (pre and post natal), some of them dads, some athletes, grandparents, folks with limited mobility, children... and even peers and other teachers I admire greatly.
And the truth is... I didn't even know where to start I have so many!
I know that I am very vocal in telling people I care about "just what they mean to me" on a regular basis, but I want to tell you again.
You will never (in a million years) know what you all add to my life.
You ALL mean the world. To those I still see regularly, and to those of you who have moved on...I still think of you all the time.
*Yoga is still waiting for you if you have been on a break (nudge nudge wink wink)
I am so blessed to have known (and to still know) so many of you.
YOU have made my life more rich than I can ever say. Thank YOU so very much.