With Japan being hit with one of the largest earthquakes ever recorded on Friday it's hard to not think about our own preparedness living here on the coast. The footage of Japan is just so devastating there aren't even words. Japan is one of the most generous nations too always helping others. They stepped in in a big way when Hurricane Katrina impacted the United States.
First off, to help in the relief efforts for Japan contact the Canadian Red Cross by clicking here or calling 1-800-418-1111. Wireless users can text ASIA to 30333 to donate $5 to relief efforts.
I was looking through my emergency preparedness kit and it is seriously lacking. Found these items/list on www.getprepared.ca so thought I'd share it. I got my kit from The Red Cross years ago ( you can click here). And although it is a great kit, it looks like we would still be better off to adding things to our kits. Lot's of things. The Salvation Army also has a kit (click here) and as well there are a great many workshops listed here.
I happen to know The Roundhouse has one Tuesday evening March 22. You can click here or call 604-713-1800. For more information call: 1 800 O-Canada (1-800-622-6232) TTY 1-800-926-9105
There's no point in getting scared. Only prepared.
To assemble one here are some items:
Basic emergency kit shopping list:
Water — two litres of water per person per
day (include small bottles)
Food that won’t spoil, such as canned food,
energy bars and dried foods (replace once
a year)
Manual can opener
Wind-up or battery-powered flashlight
(and extra batteries)
Wind-up or battery-powered radio
(and extra batteries)
First aid kit
Special needs items — pet food,
prescription medications, infant formula
or equipment for people with disabilities
Extra keys for your car and house
Cash — include smaller bills, such as $10 bills
and change for payphones
Emergency plan — include a copy in your
kit as well as contact information
Some other things to consider are:
Two additional litres of water per person per
day for cooking and cleaning
Candles and matches or lighter (place in
sturdy containers and do not burn unattended)
Change of clothing and footwear for each
household member
Sleeping bag or warm blanket for each
household member
Hand sanitizer
Toilet paper
Garbage bags
Household chlorine bleach or water
purifying tablets
Basic tools (hammer, pliers, wrench,
screwdrivers, work gloves, pocket knife)
Small fuel-operated stove and fuel
Whistle (to attract attention)
Duct tape
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