1)English Bay beach looking west towards Stanley Park-1913
2) English Bay beach present day (last year)
3) View of False Creek showing the C.P.R. Drake Street Roundhouse, coal trestle and Cambie St. Bridge-August 19 1916
4) A pic I took from the Granville St Bridge looking west present day
5)The C.P.R Roundhouse and turntable-1964-courtesy of Rick Horne
6) Pic I took modern day
7) C.N.R. Station (Union station) under construction March 23 1918
8) Pacific Station as it is today. Snapped this pic last Sunday.
This little blog can't do any of the pictures justice. You really must check out the City of Vancouver Archives (all old photos here courtesy of them). Click here for a link. Check out the panoramic shots! Unreal. I've been looking through them for hours upon hours.. Enjoy.