My pics really don't even begin to do the place justice. VanDusen Botanical Garden is just so gorgeous all year long (not only during the festival of lights). Spent the afternoon there the other day and wow, it's good for the soul.
This is a really quick post but thought I'd share a little bit to remind you that even with the hustle and bustle of fall, kid's (and educators) going back to school, and just with the all round craziness of life, it's so important to take that time for you. And here on the coast, nature abounds!
Make that date with yourself. Pencil it in. It's the sort of stuff that truly adds years to your life.
The weather is still nice and you don't even need a yoga mat. I spent the afternoon here with the heron in this picture, drinking coffee, smelling the smells, listening to the waterfalls, practicing some yoga on the grass...
Life is just so beautiful but super short. Make the time for yourself. Namaste.
For more info on VanDusen Botanical Gardens click